Dnia 14-02-2008, Cz o godzinie 22:02 +0100, Anders Breindahl pisze:

> > Admittedly the protection will never be perfect but I would like it to
> > be as good as can be.
> Right. But to that purpose, hiding from non-rootkit (?) cracks still
> seem like a bad way of using your time. Leave the
> assumption-that-the-administrator-doesn't-know-his-stuff work to
> Microsoft, and let's assume that the user isn't compromised (or stupid).

Good guess, 
the idea of purging sensitive data from memory as soon as possible 
comes from our favourite bug provider indeed.

> > > > Can you direct me to some implementation meeting these
> > > > requirements?
> > > 
> > > I wrote a such script once, that satisfies much of (the serious
> > > amongst) your requirements. Email me personally, if you're
> > > interested.
> > 
> > If you are so kind, or just the idea if you do not want it to be
> > adapted and published.
> It's not at all what you seem to want. But I've refactored a bit and
> made it more serious. It's available at:
> http://publish.skrewz.dk/encfilewrapper.sh

I never intended to make impression I want security by obscurity.  
I am sorry you have perceived my question this way; 
it seems I should have formulated it better.

Quite interesting, 
although make_hard_to_read really should drop the ASCII encoding, 
as far as I am concerned.  
I like Steve's idea of using banner for that purpose
where no better tool is available.
Alternatively, we could convert it on the fly to image/png 
and send it to Firefox as a data URL (that is, without saving).

Note: no "backupping" (backing up, if you please :-)

Thx a 107, Chris.

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