Simon Josefsson wrote on 19.01.2008 17:15:
> "Vlad \"SATtva\" Miller" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> If I understand this correctly and not missing something terribly here,
>> keyservers just looked at newly uploaded key, thought "huh? I already
>> have that subkey in place, and this 0x18 sig too!", and discarded it
>> without going into much trouble of analyzing any binding sigs'
>> timestamps (maybe marking them as duplicates).
>> Could anyone confirm this behavior?
> I had similar problems with many key servers, until I switched to
> which is (if I understand correctly) documented to only
> point to key servers with full subkey support. is the first server I send keys to. However, as you can
see, it's subkeys support isn't enough:

sub  2048R/070E0B73 2006-12-21
sig sbind  8443620A 2006-12-21 __________ 2007-12-31 []        <<<<
    Policy URL:

sub  2048R/7D57ED51 2006-12-21
sig sbind  8443620A 2006-12-21 __________ 2007-12-31 []        <<<<
    Policy URL:

And it's not just an output bug. If you import that key it'll end up
like this:

gpg: NOTE: signature key 070E0B73 expired Tue 01 Jan 2008 03:26:21 NOVT
pub   4096R/8443620A 2006-12-21
uid                  Vladislav V. Miller (aka SATtva)
uid                  Vladislav V. Miller (aka SATtva) <@>
uid                  Vladislav V. Miller (aka SATtva) <@>
uid                  SATtva (openPGP in Russia project admin) <@>
uid                  Vlad Miller (for private contacts only) <@>
uid                  [jpeg image of size 7403]
sub   2048R/070E0B73 2006-12-21 [expired: 2007-12-31]          <<<<
sub   2048R/7D57ED51 2006-12-21 [expired: 2007-12-31]          <<<<

> /Simon

SATtva | security & privacy consulting |

Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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