Sorry if this has been posted before, but for some reason I can't
get to the list archive and I couldn't find anything about it in
the How-tos.

I have a need to synchronize gpg keychains on two machines that
are decrypting messages behind a VIP load-balancer. Anyone have
any ideas on a good way to do this?

I have people registering their keys via email and they will get
to one or the other machine. I can forward the email to the other
machine, but I'm sure they will still get out of sync for one reason
or another and would like to maintain two identical keychains on
both machines.
Richard Casella
CS Operations, Brookhaven National Laboratory
IT Division, Bldg. 515, Upton, NY 11973
Phone: 631 344-7975     mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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