Hello Allan,

Am Sonntag, 13. Januar 2008 12:46 schrieb A C:
> ...
>   I am having trouble getting my smartcard reader working.  At present I am
> using SuSE 10.3, and apparently it does identify the hardware ( combined
> keyboard and reader (  http://www.athena-scs.com/product.asp?pid=2 )).  I
> am sure that the RPM's are installed correctly, and the PCSC dameon is
> started. The card I am using is a Gemalto GemSafeXpresso 32 Kb.  Do you
> have any idea as to what the problem is?
Your card reader and your config are fine.

>   5 - 2008-01-13 12:25:51 scdaemon[5347]: no supported card application
> found: Card error
This error message says it all! :-)

Your Gemalto card is lacking the OpenPGP (card) application.
The only known card which supports the OpenPGP card application is the OpenPGP 
card and the FSEcard...
[ http://www.kernelconcepts.de/shop/products/security.shtml?hardware ]
[ https://www.fsfe.org/card/ ]

You'll need such a card if you intend to use gpg whith smartcards.

HTH. Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Attachment: pgp4fjeqVpQ4o.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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