On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 11:34:47AM +0100, Alessandro Bottoni wrote:
> I downloaded the CM4000 driver from
> http://svn.gnumonks.org/trunk/omnikey_cardman/new/kernel/cm4000/ and I
> tried to compile it on both a Kubuntu 7.10 with kernel 2.6.22-14 and a
> Linux Mint 3.0 (== Kubuntu 7.04) with kernel 2.6.20-16 (on both machines
> I installed both the kernel headers and the kernel sources).

Why not use the one which comes with the kernel?

packages.ubuntu.com lists cm4000_cs as being contained in the

> I'm keep on getting a flood of error messages and I'm not able to
> compile the driver. It looks like the compiler does not find some header
> ("cm4000.h"?) or something like that. I tried to fix it but I was not
> lucky...

This could be because of changes within the linux kernel. As cm4000_cs
is in the vanilla kernel since a while and distributions shipping it I
would use the one already in the kernel.

> Any suggestion?

Use cm4000_cs from the kernel. Last time I've used my cardman 4000 (now
replaced by a cardman 4040) I had to use openct together with pcscd to
make gnupg make use of it.



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