Charly Avital wrote:
> In MacOSX or in Ubuntu, I know how to open and edit ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf,
> where gpg.conf is a text file where from gpg reads its options. I have
> done it many times, when required.
> But in Windows, there's something called gpg.conf.exe, which to my still
> much limited knowledge of Windows, is an executable file, and I have no
> idea how to actually open it. Sorry for the basic ignorance.

There is a binary gpgconf.exe installed as part of gpg2 in 

gpg.conf is a text file that lives (normally) next to your keyring files in

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"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"

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