Henry Hertz Hobbit wrote:
> Nevertheless, use it.  It is what they are standardizing on and
> you can pick and choose what you want.  I have no problems with
> them doing it this way either.  Now that they have done it you
> can go to GnuPG2 on Windows.  That makes me a happy camper!  Or
> you can stay with 1.4.X.  It is your choice. I think you are
> demanding too much of the GnuPG team

What i am trying to say, is that, there are some of the software in the
gpg4win package, that i dont like (Actually all the addons, that i
think is too incomplete) But that is just, my highly personal opinion!
I am not trying to demand anything. If people could read it that way, it
was not my intension.

Jorgen Ch. Lysdal / 0xAFFD23A6

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