I've been playing around a bit with your public key file. I do not know the cause, but the following gave me the fingerprint: (watch out with the rm if you repeat this verbatim, it is more for illustration of method than to copy literally) $ gpg --dearmour test $ gpgsplit test.gpg $ rm *.sig $ cat 00* >test-nosig.gpg $ gpg --with-fingerprint test-nosig.gpg pub 1024D/4E754BED 1999-11-16 Rainer W. Gerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Key fingerprint = EB96 7ACE 1466 DA7E 48B8 261E DC77 8B07 4E75 4BED uid Rainer W. Gerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uid Rainer W. Gerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> uid Rainer W. Gerling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> In other words, when I delete all the signatures from the file, the fingerprint does show up. Maybe someone with proper knowledge of it all can use this hint to determine the problem. By the way, let me be the first to say that in scripts you should probably use $ gpg --with-fingerprint --with-colons <keyfile because the --with-colons is intended for machine use, and what you are using is for the human eye, which adapts a bit better to changed output. Good luck, Peter. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org iQCVAwUBRn+fDfqr/97I5g4/AQKbagP+JXQcCPpzFBF+6e33z9QEuGqHXTi7cX56 Loy4MlRAvHh7938Mf0rBXRoqdw4es1ktd4Shg4WJ77EyUxSgT1O/AApK0xkRGNqH F3o8k4jJ4txLEiMmyI2vCeqsaWy2yeTbZ+K/q0km7jZGXJPgO6009RXLfXB5pajq GoM4axFd3BA= =r2dd -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- _______________________________________________ Gnupg-users mailing list Gnupg-users@gnupg.org http://lists.gnupg.org/mailman/listinfo/gnupg-users