On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 02:16:17PM -0500, Ryan Malayter wrote:
> On 6/19/07, Henry Hertz Hobbit <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > than it took me to tar it. It also takes me much less time to
> > encrypt the tarred file than it takes to do the final bzip2 of the
> > encrypted file.
> Huh? Why would you try to use bzip2 AFTER encrypting?
> Strongly-encrypted data is not compressible. And GnuPG uses gzip
> compression by default *before* encryption anyway.

If you want bzip2, use can use bzip2 directly from within GnuPG:

  --compress-algo bzip2

For some inputs (like text), bzip2 does some impressive things.


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