gnupg as distributed may not be generating larger than 4096 bit keys
but it is easy enough to (or was in the past) to modify the source code
in I think one place and change it to whatever you want.

In my case I was able to successfully generate a 8192-bit RSA key
and tested it with encryption, decryption, signing, etc. and it

My Hard drive, like my closet and garage, however is resisting
my attempts to figure out where I put this particular piece of
enterprise. (I think it was back in 2003 +/-).

I will keep looking for it.


On Sun, 2007-06-17 at 12:58 -0400, David Shaw wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 17, 2007 at 11:14:35AM +0200, Crest wrote:
> > Am 16.06.2007 um 17:05 schrieb Brian Smith:
> > 
> > > IF you have a life-long digital secret that you want to protect from
> > > people with hundreds of millions of dollars to spend, and you  
> > > insist on
> > > using RSA public key encryption to protect it during transit over the
> > > internet, then you need to use RSA 15,360 (not a typo) + AES 256 +  
> > > hope.
> > > But, I think RSA 3072 + AES 128 should be good enough to get you a
> > > waterboarding ticket; even RSA 1024 + 3DES would result in spyware  
> > > or a
> > > key logger on your client machine to prevent them from having to  
> > > fill up
> > > the bucket.
> > 
> > Does GnuPG support RSA keys longer than 4096 bits? I saw a modified  
> > old PGPi version doing so but ist took half a minute to sign a short  
> > message off less than one 1kb on a pentium1 based laptop...
> GnuPG supports RSA keys much larger than 4096 bits.   It does not,
> however, currently allow generation of such keys, so the keys must
> come from elsewhere.
> > Isn't it more usefull to switch to ECC instead of using that large keys?
> For many cases, yes.  However, ECC is not yet defined for OpenPGP.
> Until that happens, there won't be official support for it in GnuPG.
> Note, though, there is a ECC version of GnuPG out there if you want to
> try it.
> David
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