
Thanks to Werner and Sven your howto worked perfect !!
Fetch an Verify worked as expected after setting the URL.

Thanks again !


Sven Radde wrote:
> Matthias Barmeier schrieb:
>> I tried to investigate what the URL should look like, but I cannot find
>> an example.
>> Could you give me some pointers or hints howto form this URL ?
> Just tried it out to get a quick HOWTO:
> Export your key, upload it to some webserver (not keyserver) and note
> the URL, e.g., http://example.com/mb.asc.
> Then put the OpenPGP card into the reader, run "gpg --card-edit" "admin"
> "url", enter the URL, enter the admin PIN, then "quit".
> On the machine you want to set-up, insert the card, run "gpg
> --card-edit" "fetch" "verify" enter the normal PIN and then "quit".
> The "verify" will create the secret key stub (probably there are other
> ways to invoke this) and "fetch" will download the corresponding public
> key from the web.
> Try "gpg --list-keys" and "gpg --list-secret-keys" and "gpg
> --card-status" to check that all keys are where they belong.
> HTH, Sven

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