You don't necessarily need to revoke your old key, just add your new email address (UID) to your existing key. If your earthlink address ever does go away, you can add a revocation to your earthlink UID and distribute that without having to change keys.


On Apr 13, 2007, at 4:00 PM, Chris wrote:

This may sound simple, but I want to make sure I get it done right. My ISP/DSL provider, Embarq, has dumped Earthlink as their mail provider sine 9 April and setup their own mail servers. Simple, revoke the EL key and make a new key for Embarq, except, the two have come to an agreement and that is that
Earthlink will continue to forward mail for Embarq users until 31 Oct.
Question being do I keep the Earthlink key and also generate one for my
Embarq address or once I have everything setup for the Embarq servers
generate one for Embarq and at that time reovke the Earthlink key?

Thanks for any suggestions/advice.


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