On Thu, Feb 15, 2007 at 04:28:05PM -0500, pete wrote:

> > -----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----
> > Version: PGP Desktop 9.5.2 (Build 4075) - not licensed for commercial use:
> > www.pgp.com
> PGP Desktop adds a second line for "www.pgp.com".  If I paste the
> message into notepad and delete that line, then decrypt the text file I
> save, everything is fine.  It's a huge hassle to do every time I have a
> message, though (and a potential security issue), so I'm looking for a
> way to have this decrypt regularly in Thunderbird?

This is a problem that pops up now and then.  PGP Desktop isn't adding
a second line (the "www.pgp.com"). Rather, it is adding one big
Version line, and then something in the mail chain (generally it's
their mail program) is "helping" by word wrapping the mail.  Since
that Version line is really long, the www.pgp.com bit ends up on a new

You might want to ask the folks mailing you to check their word
wrapping settings.


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