
I am pleased to announce a security update to the 1.2 series of
GnuPG: Version 1.2.8.

The 1.2.x series has reached end of life status about 2 years ago.
However, I make an update available for the sake of those who can't
migrate to 1.4.  There is no guarantee that all problems are solved in
1.2 - it is in general better to migrate to the activly maintained 1.4

You will find that version as well as corresponding signatures at the
usual place (ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/).

Noteworthy changes in version 1.2.8 (2006-12-07)

    Backported security fixes.  Note, that the 1.2.x series has
    reached end of life status.  You should migrate to 1.4.x.

    * Fixed a serious and exploitable bug in processing encrypted
      packages. [CVE-2006-6235].

    * Fixed a buffer overflow in gpg. [bug#728, CVE-2006-6169]

    * User IDs are now capped at 2048 bytes.  This avoids a memory
      allocation attack [CVE-2006-3082].

    * Added countermeasures against the Mister/Zuccherato CFB attack

Happy Hacking,


Werner Koch                                      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The GnuPG Experts                                http://g10code.com
Join the Fellowship and protect your Freedom!    http://www.fsfe.org

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