On Fri, Nov 17, 2006 at 02:17:50AM +0100, Johan Wevers wrote:
> Janusz A. Urbanowicz wrote:
> >Do you mean that if I did get some VC funding for design of open
> >crypto smartcard targeted for OpenPGP use and then published it (as a
> >part of the business plan) I would get sued?
> Then publish it anonymously. Most TV card hack software is also published
> anonymously, and programs like dvdshrink (too bad it doesn't come with
> sourcecode) and FairUse4WM too. No author known means noone to sue.

In the theoretical scenario I presented this is unfeasible.

> >For exactly what?
> Companies don't need a valid legal reason to do that as long as they
> think you can't afford the lawsuit for long. The scientology method
> to use the legal system to sue someone into bancrupcy as default
> strategy is something that almost all companies use against individuals.

I know all that, but I hoped to learn what exactsly would likely be
named the lawsuit in this case.

But this is getting more and more OT. 

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