On Tue, Nov 14, 2006 at 09:46:53AM +0100, Sven Radde wrote:

> Summarizingly, I hope that there will be a Windows version.
> If nothing else, there should be a clear commitment as to the future of
> 1.4.x (i.e. not only maintaining but active further development) to
> avoid the feeling that Windows users have a "second class" GnuPG.

Here is your clear commitment to the future of 1.4.x.  The numbering
between 1.4 and 2.0 is perhaps unfortunate in that it implies that 2.0
replaces 1.4.  It doesn't.  They are two different programs that serve
different purposes.  There is certainly overlap (they both do
OpenPGP), but 1.4.x is not going anywhere and new OpenPGP development
will be done on both.


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