On Sat, 11 Nov 2006 19:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

> It struck me as ironic that OpenPGP isn't that open!  I started work on

OpenPGP is define by RFC2440 and as "open" as any RFC.  The OpenPGP
card Speification by Achim Pietig and me is very similar to an RFC.

> an open implementation on a BasicCard but, due to licensing
> restrictions, I am unable to get a card with RSA card built in and

That is indeed a pity and the reason why we can't discose the source
code of the card.  Most of it is in Zeitcontrol's OS for the card and
the actual application is very small.

Thanks to the pay-tv's lawyers and the tv card crackers the problems
on selling certain crypto cards exists.  The rumour goes that they
blackmail the chip vendors (like Atmel) to stop processing chips which
are too easy to be used by tv card crackers. I call that "security
through lawyers".



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