On Sun, Oct 29, 2006 at 04:12:23PM -0800, Dead Loss wrote:
> I have downloaded GnuPG-1.4.5 and successfully built it using 
> ./configure –prefix=/usr/mylocal –libdir=/usr/local/lib \
> –includedir=/usr/local/phplibs/include/ 
> –with-libiconv-prefix=/usr/local/phplibs
> as I do not have root access to my machine, but when I try to connect to 
> pgp.mit.edu I get the following error
> [mylogin][~]$ gpg –keyserver pgp.mit.edu –recv-keys 0×985A444B
> gpg: requesting key 985A444B from hkp server pgp.mit.edu
> /usr/mylocal/libexec/gnupg/gpgkeys_hkp: error while loading shared
> libraries: libcurl.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file
> or directory
> gpg: no handler for keyserver scheme `hkp’
> gpg: keyserver receive failed: keyserver error
> What have I done wrong?  Obviously gpgkeys_hkp is not able to resolve the 
> library at run time, but how to fix this?

Your configure statement pretty much broke autoconf's heart.  Try a
simple "./configure --prefix=/where/you/can/write/to" and leave it at
that.  Let autoconf work for you.


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