Hello list, 

this is probably something I should post to a KDE list as well, but 
there are probably more users here who use a GnuPG smartcard along with 
KDE than elsewhere.
Here's the thing: I got a GnuPG smartcard (but have yet to buy a card 
reader) by becoming an fsfe.org fellow and like to know about the 
possibilities to use it with KDE. 

From what I've read in the smartcard HOWTO and on fsfe.org there is a 
PAM module to log into the system with the smartcard. Does this work 
with a login manager like KDM as well? What about locking the screen 
(xlock, KDE screen/session lock)? Can I use the smartcard for that? 

That's all I can think of now :)

I know, card readers are not very pricy but before buying one for my 
laptop I just want to know what it is I can do with the smartcard that 
I can't do with a plain old GnuPG keyring on a USB stick.


Andreas "daff" Ntaflos 
Vienna, Austria 

GPG Fingerprint: 6234 2E8E 5C81 C6CB E5EC  7E65 397C E2A8 090C A9B4

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