Jonathan Rockway escribe:
> I would recommend that you don't do that.  What if you lose the drive? 
> Then your private key is compromised.  Do you have a revocation
> certificate in a safe location?  If not, you can't even tell anyone that
> your private key has been compromised!  Not good!

Sure! I use the key stored in the drive only on computers at work. At
home I store a copy of the key in the hard drive. Moreover yes, I have
a revocation certificate.

> For $20, you can't go wrong.  Get an OpenPGP card and be happy :)

I am a smartcard programmer. Sure an OpenPGP card is just a standard
smartcard with special elementary files in its filesystem. Could I
make my own OpenPGP card from a common smartcard given I know its
administrative codes?

If applets are involved probably it could also be loaded in any card
supporting Java.

Cordially, Ismael
Dropping science like when Galileo dropped his orange!

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