On 13 Jun 2006, at 20:37, David Shaw wrote:
On Tue, Jun 13, 2006 at 02:01:27PM +0100, Tristan Williams wrote:
I am experimenting with the OpenPGP smartcard. I have two OpenPGP
cards (smartA and smartB) and I want to verify that I can restore my
on-card generated private key should I loose the master card
(smartA). I only want to verify that I can do it - not discuss the
merits of on-card vs. off-card key generation.
I start with an empty ~/.gnupg
For smartA I have
(1) an on-card generated key
(2) the backup file created ~/.gnupg/sk_X.gpg at key generation
(3) a backup of ~/.gnupg/secring.gpg when the
(4) a file with the exported associated public key
(5) a test file encrypted with above public key which decrypts
with smartA
(6) the pass phrase used at key generation
(7) second OpenPGP smartcard (smartB)
I then I imagine that I have lost my card (smartA), my computer
hard disk has
died and I have to restore to a fresh new gpg environment (i.e. no
~/.gnupg) and smartB
I then issues these commands
gpg --list-keys
which creates ~/.gnupg and various files within it.
gpg --import public_key.asc
using (4) from my backups
gpg --list-keys
shows that the public key has been imported
I then copy my backup secring.gpg to ~/.gnugpg
gpg --edit-key KEYID
shows that the secret key is present
gpg --list-secret-keys
shows that the secret key is linked to card-no smartA
gpg --edit-key KEYID
bkuptocard sk_X.gpg
choose the (1) the signature
replace existing key yes
enter pass phrase
save changes yes
gpg --list-keys
shows the key still linked to card-no smartA and not smartB
any action needing the private key using smartB results in gpg
requesting that you put in smartA (which is lost...)
Try this: do everything you did above, but at the end, delete the
secret key stub:
gpg --delete-secret-keys KEYID
(or gpg --edit-key, toggle, and delkey if you're doing just a subkey).
And now recreate the stub:
gpg --card-edit
I don't have my card with me so I can't test this, but it should do
what you want.
Gnupg-users mailing list
It works as you suggested.
gpg is now happy with smartB (and longer asks for smartA). The file
I encrypted with the public key is decrypted correctly.
gpg now references smartB not smartA when listing keys.
So what is in sk_X.gpg if it is not a standalone importable secret key?
Thanks and regards,
Tristan Williams
Gnupg-users mailing list