Searched the archives back through Oct. '05 and didn't see a solution to
my problem...
Bottom line to problem: If a script running setuid as userA but called
by userB contains a GPG command, GPG responds with userB information
instead of userA.
I have a perl script '' that is being routed
information from a C-wrapper that runs as userA.
-rwsr-sr-x userA pass_STDIN_to_parseMail_andSubmit_toDB.exe
The info contained in STDIN is an emailed message with an attached file
(encrypted with userA's public key). In, I
save the attachment to a file and call a second perl script
''. This script contains userA's passphrase which I am
attempting to use to decrypt the file ala:
"cd $dir_containing_file; echo \'${passphrase}\' |
/usr/local/share/bin/gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --output
${file_to_decrypt}_cleartext$$ --decrypt $file_to_decrypt".
However GPG responds with:
"cp: cannot create /.gnupg/gpg.conf: Permission denied
gpg: fatal: can't create directory `~/.gnupg': No such file or directory
secmem usage: 0/0 bytes in 0/0 blocks of pool 0/32768"
It is as-if GPG knows that userB originated the call (in this case the
email daemon which probably doesn't have a /home/daemon and certainly
doesn't have GPG keys). So I setup a second test where jchurch (as
userB) called the c-wrapper and changed the GPG command in to 'echo \'Calling whoami\'; /usr/ucb/whoami;
/usr/local/share/bin/gpg --list-keys' and I received the key info for
userB instead of userA. See below.
pub 1024D/63A468CF 2006-03-23
uid John Church (Second Key working with Joel)
sub 2048g/2D0142AB 2006-03-23
pub 1024D/F3D3D15D 2006-04-03
uid razoradm (Razor Administrator) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub 2048g/B73F17B6 2006-04-03
The key info for userA should have been returned.
Does anyone have any clue as to whether GPG is this smart? I admit to
being a newbie to GPG so perhaps I'm doing something stupid. Any
suggestions would be appreciated.
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