
I managed to get my keys from CaCert.org into gpgsm via the openssl tools 
exporting them from Firefox. Considering it just for transport I used a far 
too simple passphrase while exporting and importing as I thought the 
passphrase of CaCert.org was written into the key itself. I tried to delete 
my key and do same procedure with a more complex key but it still uses the 
simple one. I deleted my whole keyring.kbx file and imported all anew but the 
issue stays the same. Could anyone help me changing my passphrase within 

* Thomas Widhalm                             Unix Administrator *
* University of Salzburg                     IT- Services (ITS) *
* Systems Management                               Unix Systems *
* Hellbrunnerstr. 34                     5020 Salzburg, Austria *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     +43/662/8044-6774 *
* gpg: 6265BAE6                                                 *
* http://www.sbg.ac.at/zid/organisation/mitarbeiter/widhalm.htm *

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Description: PGP signature

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