
I already sent this email twice to this mailinglist, but it didn't appear at 
my mailserver, so I assume it didn't reach any of you.

I just got in charge of managing Linux- and Unix servers at the University of 
Salzburg (Austria) and one of my first tasks is to implement a secure way of 
exchanging email and storing data. Having a big affection to Free Software, I 
try to implement a solution based upon gpg.

My biggest problem is, that our users have many different mailclients, mostly 
MS Outlook connected to MS exchange.

Maybe some of you could help me with some details:

I need a plugin for Outlook which support gpg/MIME and maybe inline gpg. (Not 
Gdata, this didn't work out)

I think it would be a good idea to create a CA. How to achieve that? How to 
keep the key save? Is just one person the CA, or a bunch of people? What if 
someone leaves us? What if an employee leaves, loses his email address but 
still has a signature. Should we revoke it?

Is it possible/useful to create an own keyserver which synchronises with the 
official ones? How to do that?

I have some ideas, but need more input. Maybe some of you could help me out.

Thomas Widhalm
* Thomas Widhalm                             Unix Administrator *
* University of Salzburg                     IT- Services (ITS) *
* Systems Management                               Unix Systems *
* Hellbrunnerstr. 34                     5020 Salzburg, Austria *
* [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     +43/662/8044-6774 *
* gpg: 6265BAE6                                                 *
* http://www.sbg.ac.at/zid/organisation/mitarbeiter/widhalm.htm *

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