I'd have some questions about using smartcards with together with GnuPG
and would be grateful if you could help me.
1) Are there any security drawbacks when using smartcards compared with
the "normal" store key on disc procedure?
2) Any knowledge if the Omnikey (www.omnikey.com) readers (especially
those from the RFID series) work together with Linux and GnuPG?
3) Does GnuPG work only with special cards or is every smartcard or
contactless (RFID) card ok?
4) Are there any restrictions, e.g. can the keys still be only 1024
large, can't I use Keys with Photo on the card, etc.
Or does this solely depend on the memory of the card. If so, how much
have the biggest cards about?
5) Are there any, from a security point of view, differences between
readers and between cards?
For exmple I know that some readers have integratet keypad for the PIN
Thanks and best wishes,
Christoph Anton Mitterer.
fn:Mitterer, Christoph Anton
n:Mitterer;Christoph Anton
org:Munich University of Applied Sciences;Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
adr;quoted-printable;quoted-printable:;;Lothstra=C3=9Fe 34;M=C3=BCnchen;Freistaat Bayern;80335;Federal Republic of Germany
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