Le Tue 18/10/2005, David Shaw disait
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2005 at 09:08:07AM +0200, Realos wrote:
> > I am a bit confused about the gnupg behaviour in case of revoking a
> > subkey or uid. Since uids are actually signed by others in combination
> > my public key. 
> > 
> > Does it mean revoking a subkey or uid rsults in loss of signatures I
> > have collected over the time? How to proceed in such a case?
> Revoking a subkey loses nothing (except the subkey).  Revoking a user
> ID loses any signatures on that user ID - after all, those people
> signed that user ID, and by revoking it you say that you, the owner,
> does not treat the user ID as valid any longer.  If you don't treat it
> as valid, why should anyone else?

But you can sign the new user Id with the old one saying "yes I'm the same 
person, only with a different address".


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