On Thu, Oct 13, 2005 at 09:39:00PM -0700, Eric wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-10-13 at 13:26 -0500, Tad Marko wrote:
> > If someone creates a key that LOOKS like I created it (my name and
> > email address) and uploads it to the keyservers, how can I either get
> > rid of it or somehow flag my own key in such a way that it is clear
> > which is the real one?
> You can't. That's like asking how you can stop other people from
> printing out badges that say "I am Tad Marko" and pinning them to their
> shirts.

I'm not asking for that. I want them to not say that a given key goes

> Besides, if you could do that, what would stop someone else from
> deleting YOUR key off of the keyserver or flagging THEIR key as the real
> Tad Marko?

An email verification step?

> It sounds like your real concern is how you can stop your friends from
> inadventently getting the wrong key and accidentally encrypting messages
> to someone pretending to be you.

Close...I simply want to minimize confusion.
> GPG and PGP don't care about names -- they only care about public keys.
> If you want someone to be able to send a message to the right person,
> you need to make sure they're encrypting it with the right public key. 
> You do this by telling them your key's signature before they go looking
> on the keyserver.

Right. But, an email verified mechanism for removing keys stamped with
an email address seems like an important omission from the key server system.


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