
Werner Koch wrote:
> On Fri, 07 Oct 2005 11:29:48 +0200, Wolfgang Rosenauer said:
>> I want to perform SSH authentication the the card and therefore have to
>> use gpg-agent. I just wanted to see if gpg2 - gpg-agent - scdaemon does
> Where is the problem? I am doing this for since early this year.

OK, maybe I haven't explained detailed enough.

I actually have both versions installed.
But as using ssh-add -l with running gpg-agent can't find my key on the
"The agent has no identities."

I've thought that this could have something to do with gpg2
--card-status failing.

So let me just ask: Why can't my gpg-agent find the key on the card?
Or: What information do you need to be able to identify the problem


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