I am trying to update gpgme-1.0.2 to gpgme-1.1.0:

"./configure --enable-static" find all of the needed pieces:

        GPGME v1.1.0 has been configured as follows:

        GnuPG path:    /usr/bin/gpg
        GnuPG version: 1.4.2, min. 1.2.2

        GpgSM path:    /usr/bin/gpgsm
        GpgSM version: 1.9.18, min. 1.9.6

        GPGME Pthread: yes
        GPGME Pth:     yes

It compiles using "make" with no errors on Fedora Core 4 with the 2.6.13 kernel and gcc-4.0.1-4.fc4 compiler.

"make check" finishes with:
        1 of 20 tests failed
        Please report to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

The failure happened at:
        t-sig-notation.c:108: Missing or duplicate notation data
        FAIL: t-sig-notation

Does anybody know if this might be a system config problem, or is it a real bug in gpgme-1.1.0? What additional information do I need to supply?


William M. Perkins                   E-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The Greenwood                        UNIX Systems Administration
Richmond, Virginia                   (Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP-UX)

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