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David Vallier wrote:
> How does a person request a key from a ldap server? and or tell Gnupg
> to use the gpgkeys_ldap.exe program? Tried to request a key via Winpt
> using a ldap server and Gnupg told me off say it couldn't find
> gpgkeys_ldap.exe. even though it's in the Gnu/Gpg "home" dir and the
> path is set.
> Running win me, and Gnupg 1.4.????

gpg --keyserver ldap://horowitz.surfnet.nl --recv-key 0x608d2a10

You may also specify the keyserver option in gpg.conf.

The first part of the URL; ldap:, hkp:, finger:, http:; tells gpg.exe which
helper program to select.

Not sure what is meant by 'Gnu/Gpg "home" dir'. HomeDir is a registry entry
where GnuPG looks to find an individual user's settings and keyrings
(typically %APPDATA%\GnuPG).  Beginning with 1.4.1, Windows versions of
GnuPG do not use %PATH% to locate the keyserver helpers (gpgkeys_*). From

  "The installation directory of GnuPG is stored in the Registry under
  the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\GNU\GnuPG with the name "Install
  Directory".  The installer does not change the PATH environment
  variable to include this directory.  You might want to do this

  Note, that this registry entry is also used to locate the keyserver
  helper programs (e.g. gpgkeys_ldap)."

Assuming you used the GnuPG installer to install 1.4.2, gpg.exe as well as
the packages keyserver helper .EXEs should all be located in
%PROGRAMFILES%\Gnu\GnuPG (PROGRAMFILES typically expands to
C:\Program Files).

- --
John P. Clizbe                      Inet:   John (a) Mozilla-Enigmail.org
You can't spell fiasco without SCO. PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10/0x18BB373A
"what's the key to success?"        / "two words: good decisions."
"what's the key to good decisions?" /  "one word: experience."
"how do i get experience?"          / "two words: bad decisions."

"Just how do the residents of Haiku, Hawai'i hold conversations?"
Version: GnuPG v1.4.3-cvs-3899-2005-09-29 (Windows 2000 SP4)
Comment: When cryptography is outlawed, b25seSBvdXRsYXdzIHdpbGwgdXNlIG
Comment: Be part of the £33t ECHELON -- Use Strong Encryption.
Comment: It's YOUR right - for the time being.
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org


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