Jason Barrett wrote:

>I'm inclined to agree with you, from a security standpoint.  I appreciate
>you sending this as it gives me some 'ammunition' against colleagues of
>mine who argue that the additional storage taken up by encrypted data
>trumps the security of a long cryptography key.

However, GnuPG encrypted files are usually compressed, so they take up even
less space. So unless your database is storing diffs, like a versioning
database (which won't work when you feed it encrypted files), or you store
data that can't be lossless compressed anymore (jpg, xvid), encrypting will
even be better in this aspect.

ir. J.C.A. Wevers         //  Physics and science fiction site:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   //  http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/index.html
PGP/GPG public keys at http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/pgpkeys.html

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