Alon Bar-Lev wrote:

Great! Super! Amazing!
If you can do it with a little effort I will glad to check and use it.

Not so little. I don't have any card or PKCS#11 driver. Mozilla NSS is a
pain to set up. I have no idea how to use its softtoken implementation.
Opencryptoki uses ^$@@#$$#&^!!ng autotools bootstrap so I'm not even
able to compile it for its softtoken!

Obviously, I need *some* PKCS#11 to be able to test the thing :)

But after looking at the source... it does not looked like a very simple

It is. Text-based. There is libassuan to help implement the details of
the protocol if needed. libassuan is LGPL so there should be no license
issues if it is used.

Best regards,

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