Hi Alon!

I would like to see support for PKCS#11 too but...
(won't elaborate on this now ;-)

Regarding the "open-ness" of OpenGPG: Why do you (and Benjamin) think its not 
open (enough)?
The specs are there and you are free to implement "both sides" of the (smart) 
For me the specs allow(ed) it to try implementing OpenGPG on a IBM JavaCard 
(and it *would* be possible to have a JavaCard implement OpenGPG in parallel 
to PKCS#11...)

Just my 2cts... Salut, Jörg

gpg/pgp key # 0xd7fa4512
fingerprint 4e89 6967 9cb2 f548 a806  7e8b fcf4 2053 d7fa 4512

Attachment: pgpd3IcEJT8v0.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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