Hello Mica,

Sunday, August 21, 2005, 1:49:59 PM, you wrote:

> Hash: RIPEMD160

>     Was Sun, 21 Aug 2005, at 08:37:41 +0100,
>     when Sean wrote:

>> I use GnuPG mainly on my Linux box but I also want to use it on my XP
>> box, is there anyway to share the keys safely between the both

> There is, yes, but it would help if you would be more specific, as to
> that what you exactly want, so a more specific answer would be possible.
> If you want to _share_ the same key ring(s) between these two OSs, these
> keys might be placed e.g. on an independent/separate partition which
> could be read by both OSs. This way both versions of GPG installed on
> Linux and XP(ee?) could "ask" (`gimmiekey') for the keys from their
> respective OSs. This was the way I was practising for a short while,
> wishing to have only one place where I would keep my keys to share them
> between several OSs and their respective GnuPG installations. This is
> one of examples:

Yes, I could have explained it better, basically, the two computers
need to share the same files. I have read the message below :)

> You also might have the keys even on a diskette, or some similar
> "removable" "data keeper", setting/sicking the GnuPGs on the floppy, or
> other sort of a, drive. This is even better/safer.

Actuallu this is the best idea, that way I can keep a couple of
backups of the pubring a secure backup of the secring files

|VOIP= FreeWorldDial: 689482 VOIPBUSTER: thecivvie  |
|GPG Key http://thecivvie.fastmail.fm/thecivvie.asc |

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