On Fri, 22 Jul 2005 22:42:20 +0200, Zeljko Vrba said:

> I would disagree on that. Java Card is totally programmable and if you
> want you can implement the complete ISO7816 command set (as far as the

Sorry, this is was a misinterpretation by me.

> hardware permits, of course). The downside is that you will have to
> implement your own filesystem, etc, but it is doable.

Well for the OpenPGP card you don't need any filesystem as we onjly
use the get/put data commands.  Thus a simple offset,length table is
what you need.  Well, you know that of course.

> Why I didn't finish the development - because I've found some
> discrepancies between the GPG code, OpenPGP card spec and the PKCS#1

Care to elaborate on this?

I am still interested to have reference implementation for java card
although I can't help very much with the implementation but I know all
the details of the specs and have some knowledge of the gpg code.



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