While carrying out some tests with GnuPG and the options --for-our-eyes-only and --output [filename], within the macgpg-users list, I tried to decrypt a test message composed with MacGPG (GnuPG for the Mac) 1.4.2rc2 configured with these two options.

The received message could be decrypted using GPGMail and Eudora GPG. Eudora GPG displayed, in its output 'gpg: NOTE: sender requested "for-your-eyes-only"'

Using PGP 9.0.1 to decrypt that same test message, an on-screen window informed: 'Caution The message you are decrypting is for your eyes only. It is recommended that this message only be read under the most secure circumstances.' and two buttons 'Cancel' and 'OK'.

Clicking the OK button produced a secure-viewer window with the decrypted message (and PGP testimonial) printed in tempest-resistant font.

My question to the pgp-users list is: how to set the request for the secure-viewer function for outgoing messages under PGP 9.0.1. In previous versions of PGP, the option could be enabled by marking a small square button.



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