
this should be quite easy - just set the environment variable GNUPGHOME before you start your process and all should be fine.

It defaults to '$HOME/.gnupg' I think but you can set it to whatever you want. The directory should not be readable by anybody else than the current user.

HTH, Harry

--On Tuesday, April 12, 2005 09:55:47 -0400 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

    I created a Linux application that uses GnuPGME.  The app is started
by a server process, and as a result is having troubles accessing PGP
keyrings.  This is probably a permissions thing, as I installed GnuPG as
the root user; the API (GnuPGME) is probably looking for the keyring at

FYI, if I run my app as root on the command line, everything works fine;
however, I need to start this process with a server.
I am currently looking at three options: 1) update the GnuPGME keyring
functions that I use to allow me to specify arbitrary keyrings of my
choice, 2) investigate what user process is running my app, and create a
home directory for it with keyrings and all, or 3)investigate if there is
some undocumented function  in GnuPGME that I can use to help me specify
the keyring of my choice.

Any help/advice provided by anyone would be greatly appreciated.


1024D/40F14012 18F3 736A 4080 303C E61E  2E72 7E05 1F6E 40F1 4012

Version: 3.12
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V PS+ PE Y? PGP+++ t+ 5-- X+ R+ !tv b++ DI++ D+ G e* h r++ y++

Attachment: pgpY2WzD8k6pq.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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