On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 10:32:51AM -0500, Jason Markley wrote:
> David,
>    Sorry to bring this back up when it's supposed to be fixed, but with 
> 1.4.1 I'm still having the same issue as before.  Do you know what bug # 
> it was specifically that was 'fixed'?  Thanks.

I'm not sure if it ever made it into the bug tracker.  The issue, if I
recall correctly, was a line ending problem.  Unix-ish machines use \n
(LF) at the end of a line, W32 uses \r\n (CRLF).  The W32 libraries,
unless told otherwise, automatically transform LF into CRLF on the way

We were ending up in some cases with data coming in from a keyserver
that was already CRLF, and W32 was happily transforming that to
CRCRLF, which GPG didn't handle.

Can someone else on W32 confirm if this works for them?  Possibly the
problem is something else this time.  Hmm - do you have --openpgp set
in your gpg.conf file?


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