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Gerhard Siegesmund wrote:
> Hello List
> I don't know, whether this is a dump thing to do, but I had the
> following idea, which I unfortunately didn't get to work.
> I am working on linux (debian) with gpg (GnuPG) 1.4.0.
> Say, I have a encrypted file somewhere on a server on the net.
> Naturally I don't have my private key on that "unsave" server. I want
> to use the output of the encrypted file in a pipe to do something with
> it.
> I don't like the idea to send the encrypted file back to my home-server
> to decrypt it there and then send back the decrypted file to the
> work-server. Also this would work, I would have to remember to remove
> the decrypted file after the action.
> My idea was to do something like the following:
> cat encrypted_file.gpg | ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] gpg --decrypt | do_something.sh
> I don't want to do this automatically! Interactivly is great, as this
> secures my private key with two passwords. The ssh-password and the
> gpg-passphrase.
> Unfortunatly this doesn't work.
> The obvious fix seems to be
> cat encrypted_file.gpg | ssh -tt [EMAIL PROTECTED] gpg --decrypt | 
> do_something.sh
> which doesn't work either.
> So. Does this way sound correctly in your ears? How about security
> (apart from the point, that my homeserver is available from the net,
> which I know lowers my security a lot. I hope, my password is good
> enough.)? Is this at all possible?
> My main-point is to hold the private key on one server and not copy it
> all over the internet.

Dunno about the piping.

Have you considered copying the encrypted file with scp, the opening a
ssh sheel to decrypt & run?
- --
John P. Clizbe                   Inet:   JPClizbe(a)comcast DOT nyet
Golden Bear Networks             PGP/GPG KeyID: 0x608D2A10
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind." - Dr Seuss, "Oh the Places You'll Go"
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