I was really asking more generally about how the key exchange fits in with CONG.

        Willow Liquorice

On 06/11/2024 11:32, Martin Schanzenbach wrote:
Am Mittwoch, dem 06.11.2024 um 11:21 +0000 schrieb Willow Liquorice:
I am a little surprised that GNUnet's transport layer relies on
bidirectional communication between peers. Hypothetical
communicators, or sneakernet connections, may not have that luxury.

Communicators may be uni-directional. But a virtual link that is of any
use for CORE connections MUST have a bi-directional communication
That may go via two different communicators. For example, you may have
a UDP communicator that only allows you to send messages, and an
incoming communicator via Sattelite (we have no such communicator atm)
the allows you to receive.

IF you can establish a send/receive connection (Think SYN, ACK) via any
communicator combination with a peer, it becomes a "confirmed" virtual
link that is usable for CORE to do a KX and offer this connection to
higher layers.

See also:

How does this fit in with the GNUnet-CONG project to interoperate

I do not know. Is libp2p not always bi-directional?


        Willow Liquorice

On 06/11/2024 10:39, Martin Schanzenbach wrote:

I would like to restart the discussion on the ML here again as I
forgetting what we established and what the way forward is and I
it is better to discuss this "out in the open".

Our current "PingPong" KX in CORE seems quite odd and complex to me
the requirements fuzzy.
In a nutshell, the protocol tries to establish a DH secret and it
something like:

0. MyPeerID: Generate an "ephemeral" DH key pair and sign it with
PeerID private key. Lets call this "cert"
1. MyPeerID: If MyPeerID > OtherPeerID goto 2; otherwise wait T
and then goto 2
2. PyPeerID: Send "cert" to OtherPeerID (Ping)
3. OtherPeerID: Calculates the DH secret from ephemeral public key
"cert" and its own ephemeral DH key (from 0)
4. OtherPeerID: Confirms handshake by sending message back; sending
own "cert" (Pong).
5. MyPeerID calculates the DH secret from ephemeral public key of
OtherPeerID in "cert".

Now, I have various issues with the protocol:

a. Freshness: We should use nonces, which we don't and can't for
reasons including the following
b. Static DH key: The "ephemeral" DH key is actually static across
handshakes with other peers and across the rekey interval (or key
validity period, whatever you want to call it).
c. The KX transcript is not signed/verified
d. The roles are not clear.

Now, the issues seem to stem from the idea that we do not know
peer initiates the handshake, so we cannot know which role a peer
In fact, the KX could be initiatet theoretically from both peers at
same time, and we need to take this into account.
Peers determine a KX initiation based on various factors, for
example a
peer may just have learned of the existance of the other peer, just
started, etc.
This is why the protocol (Steps 0-5) may (within the key validity
period overlap of both PeerIDs) converge to the same DH secret
regardless of role and KX flow (and yes, this is bad from
security/crypto view).
The state machine to make this happen is implemented, as far as I
see, but I am not sure how well this actually works in practice
that we see some erratic behaviour from CORE and regular bug
regarding connectivity (even to the bootstrap peer).

Now, I would really like to converge to a semi-standard, known
KX protocol for CORE that has clear requirements and is much more
As already discussed, I have drafted a KEMTLS-inspired handshake
with 1.5 RTT:

I also started to document the current protocol, but it is very
due to its state machine and 3RTT+.

My Idea: IF we can agree that transport only notifies CORE of a
connection if it can send AND receive messages from that peer (bi-
directional connectivity, which afair is the case in transport
now), I strongly believe that we can simply rely on protocol Step 1
that a KX is initiated _at all_.
It can still happen that two KX are initiated one from each peer at
same time.
But in this case, since we assume that we have bi-directional
comms, we
can simply drop the "late" initiator message on one side based on
same condition in Step 1.

Wdyt? Any comments?


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