On 3/16/24 20:57, t3sserakt wrote:

On 16.03.24 18:54, MSavoritias wrote:
On 3/16/24 17:08, carlo von lynX wrote:

On Fri, Mar 15, 2024 at 04:19:21PM +0200, MSavoritias wrote:

Federation has failed us big time and it is all the reason why GNUnet exists.
By federation i mean that the room is hosted by all participants. We can
call it distributed too.
Maybe you should have a look onto https://docs.gnunet.org/latest/users/messenger.html and https://www.gnunet.org/en/news/2024-03-messenger-gtk-0.9.0.html

Right thats one of the thing on my list to take notes from thanks :D

It has interesting properties especially around egos that i want to bring over to my app.

Any future architectures should make sure that the spam message doesn't even
reach the recipient to begin with.
That's what we've been preaching to the advocates of the
broken Internet for years. Glad you arrived to the same
conclusions as us.

Does GNUnet plan to be a network of consent with capabilities? Because right now its just an open permissionless hellscape unless you turn on f2f but f2f is hopelessy worse than networks of consent.

The foundation for the way GNUnet is built are these design principles

 1. GNUnet must be implemented asFree Software
 2. GNUnet must minimize the amount of personally identifiable
    information exposed.
 3. GNUnet must be fully distributed and resilient to external attacks
    and rogue participants.
 4. GNUnet must be self-organizing and not depend on administrators or
    centralized infrastructure.
 5. GNUnet must inform the user which other participants have to be
    trusted when establishing private communications.
 6. GNUnet must be open and permit new peers to join.
 7. GNUnet must support a diverse range of applications and devices.
 8. GNUnet must use compartmentalization to protect sensitive information.
 9. The GNUnet architecture must be resource efficient.
10. GNUnet must provide incentives for peers to contribute more
    resources than they consume.

You must be careful when to talk about permissionless. If you like to have a meta data protecting and censorship resistant network you need some basic network where no peer has to be allowed to join the network. The communication in this layer is not about communication between applications (users) talking to each other, but communication needed to fulfill the above principles. Nevertheless an application can implement what your are trying to achieve. See the link to the messenger service and application above.

Hmm. I wonder how much the above overlap in a no servers networks. But yeah I should have been more specified sorry.

I am planning to have a browser and xmpp over gnunet app i have said so my views were from that mainly.

Gnunet seems to be taking a lot of right decisions dont get me wrong :)

- t3sserakt

P.S.: F2F was removed

Really? I swear i read it in some docs that I actually cant find the link to now (the modern looking centralized screen docs) /thinking


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