'access' failed suggests that the binary may not be set to executable (at least not for the user running 'make check'). Also, did you actually run 'make install' before 'make check' and does the binary exist in the location given in the error message? This is exactly the place where I'd expect a failure if 'make install' had not been run yet and the service binary only existed in the src/lib/util/ folder and not yet in /usr...

My 2 cents


On 12/29/23 20:01, xrs wrote:
Dear all,

I'm trying to package version 0.20.0 for Alpine Linux.

53 of 55 tests are successful, one is skipped and another fails. The
test for test_resolver_api.nc is failing on my system saying something

   2023-12-29T19:07:29.608763+0100 util-os-installation-18555 WARNING
   `access' failed on file `/usr/gnunet/libexec/gnunet-service-resolver'
   at os_installation.c:793 with error: No such file or directory

The binary "gnunet-service-resolver" has been successfully built.
Do you have an idea how this could have happened?

See the attached build and test logs for further information.


On Mon, 25 Sep 2023 17:11:17 -0000
bastianschm...@danwin1210.de wrote:


first of all,
GNUnet project wanted to release GNUnet 0.20.0 before the 40th GNU
Anniversary Hacker Meeting.
GNUnet project succeeded in reaching this aim.
Virtual applause to all devs contributing to this!

This important news item -
https://www.gnunet.org/en/news/2023-09-0.20.0.html - hasn't appeared
on the info-gnu mailing list, yet:

A look into the info-gnu mailing list archive reveals that news of
previous GNUnet version publications did appear on this mailing list
- for example GNUnet 0.12.0, on Fri, 20 Dec 2019 10:28:59 +0900:

But planet gnu got it: https://planet.gnu.org/

This is a major major release, so please make sure that said news
item to it also gets on the info-gnu mailing list.

And in the long run—suggestion for improvement:
This kind of instance has a history, all together sketching an
outlook for process improvement by automation, whenever a major
release is on the table.
Can't there be any kind of script created, pushing the according news
item to planet gnu and the info-gnu mailing list all together just by
the push of 1 button?
So that not only Martin(?) or tesserakt(?) are eased from this
specific task, but also all important spots are covered with this
kind of news item securely at the same, immediate time?

This release is a quite important milestone among all releases, and
therefore deserves to get spotlight according to that.

Best regards,
Bastian Schmidt

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