
xrs <x...@mail36.net> writes:
> Hi,
> suppose I want to build GNUnet from source and leave out the building
> of the documentation. 
> The README states that using "--disable-documentation" for
> configure works for this. 

well. There have always been two ways of building "from source" that had
different dependencies: from git and from tarball.

Configure switches, by definition, are only relevant once you have a
configure file. You do not have that in git. You need to first execture
Bootstrap has a few dependencies that you do not have in the tarball.
For example: automake, recutils and, sphinx.

"--disable-documentation" disables building documentation on the
configure level but mostly prevents its installation (!).

> On the other hand the bootstrap.sh needs sphinx to create the configure
> file which needs to be executed before. This seems inconsistent to me.
> I tried to uncomment sphinx_update in the main function of
> bootstrap.sh and passed the option above to configure. But then I get an
> error later in configure that gnunet.tex is missing. 
> Any good idea how to solve this?

Well. We may want to think about a method to cook up a build for devs
building from git without requiring sphinx. But tbh, documentation is
part of what a developer should be writing. So... the use case is not
really there? I would be happily convinced otherwise.


> Best,
> xrs
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