We just changed some DNS settings in the last 24h and had to renew
certs. Nothing special ;-). -Christian
On 10/21/22 14:54, hyazin...@emailn.de wrote:
visiting 'gnunet.org' with TOR browser currently is prompting a warning because
of an invalid certificate.
Clicking the 'accept and continue' button is leading to the GNUnet paper
bibliography - a plain 'html'-website, instead of the usual
'gnunet.org'-website. Excerpt:
"Selected Papers in Meshnetworking
The GNUnet Bibliography | Selected Papers in Meshnetworking
By topic | By date | By author
Architecture CADET Communication Computer Science - Cryptography and
Security DHT DNS DNSSEC Decentralisation Future Internet GNU Name System GNUnet
Identity and Access Management Internet Linux MORECOWBELL NAMECOIN Name
resolution P2P PKI POSIX Panic Privacy preserving R5N ReclaimID Self-sovereign
identity Social networking TLS Taler Technology and society Unsorted User
Attributes X-vine abuse anomaly anonymity auctions blind signatures byzantine
consensus byzantine fault tolerance censorship consensus cooperative cryogenic
decentralization detection distributed hash table economics encoding encryption
event-driven flow control home router incentives intrusion detection
measurement memory erasure messaging multicast network architecture obsolete
database payments peer-to-peer performance performance analysis physical access
power privacy private information retrieval publish-subscribe
pubsub reputation resilience resource allocation routing secure multi-party
computation secure multiparty computation self-organization set reconciliation
social interaction static analysis testbed voting web
Publications by topic
Zur Idee herrschaftsfreier kooperativer Internetdienste (PDF)
by Christian Ricardo Kühne.
In FIfF-Kommunikation, 2016. (BibTeX entry) (Download bibtex record)
(direct link) (website)"
Bastian Schmidt