Willow Liquorice schreef op do 02-06-2022 om 14:44 [+0100]:
> While I was working on the documentation, I decided to put a Repology 
> badge at the top level of the install page, and then I saw the extent of 
> GNUnet's packaging woes. There are more distros with severely outdated 
> versions than ones that are up to date, even the rolling release ones 
> that have comparatively lax stability requirements.
> What's the deal with that? This sort of thing only hurts the project.
> Best wishes,
>       Willow

In case of Guix:

  * lots of failing tests (has been fixed recently, current version
    should now be up to date)

  * takes long to compile (not unique to gnunet), which makes testing
    changes to the packaging of gnunet require much more time.


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