On Sat, 15 Mar 2025 23:13:47 -0500
R Losey <rlo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi. I'd just set such accounts up as sub-accounts under Liabilities.
> Using your example (electricity)
> 1) Create an "Electricity" account under "Liabilites" (alternatively,
> you could use the provider as the name of the account
> 2) Using your $120 bill as an example, when you pay $60 and owe them
> $60, you'd create a three-way split
>        Checking: decrease (credit) $60
>        Expenses->Utilities->Electricity: increase (debit) $120
>        Liabilities->Electricity: increase (credit) $60
> This way, the utilities will show what you have used each month; the
> liability account will show your remaining balance, and the checking
> shows what you've paid.
G'day to Louise
This is a good question, but don't hide under "no-one is ever going to
see my accounts". If you need to seek professional advice on your
financial state, having your accounts ready tells your advisor firstly
that you are doing what you can do, and secondly is good evidence of
how you are managing your income and expenses.
We all wish that you get through this tight patch OK.

However, not mentioned yet..
Please make a backup of your Gnucash file before you start making these
If you don't get it right, you can just call on us again, and if you
need to start again using a different approach, you have a file from
that time.

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