I believe it is enough simply to change some aspect of the mis-ordered 
transaction (e.g., adding a memo), which I believe will change the internal 
date stamp of the transaction and thus the register order. 

⁣David T. ​

On Feb 17, 2025, 2:08 AM, at 2:08 AM, Geoff <cleanoutmys...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Kalpesh
>Now you mention it, this scenario happened to me:
>> Since this was a MM account, I was able to change the date to reorder
> > the transactions since MM account normally do not deviate from a 
>buck. > But I would love to hear what is one to do if this was a
> > of a commodity where date is material and you want to change the 
>order > of transactions so that this condition does not arise.
>I am pretty sure you just need to delete the first/negative transaction
>then key it in again, and then GnuCash will sequence them correctly, 
>even though they both have the same date.
>On 17/02/2025 8:56 am, Kalpesh Patel wrote:
>> I was able to flag it down using Geoff's suggestion of binary divide
>and conquer method, although it took some time -- I wish there was a
>way to select/unselect multiple accounts by clicking on the parent
>account rather than individual ones without losing all the other ones
>selected but ....
>> It is interesting case though. It was in a money market (MM) account
>with a brokerage with two entries for the same day: first was the
>purchase of the funds followed by a transfer of the same amount from
>another account to balance out. The MM account was already zero and
>since the purchase transaction came first it went to negative quantity
>and then the transfer of funds into the account set it back to zero
>amount. This transactions were imported ones.
>> Since this was a MM account, I was able to change the date to reorder
>the transactions since MM account normally do not deviate from a buck.
>But I would love to hear what is one to do if this was a transaction of
>a commodity where date is material and you want to change the order of
>transactions so that this condition does not arise.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Fred Tydeman <tydeman.f...@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 15, 2025 11:23 AM
>> To: Kalpesh Patel <kalpesh.pa...@usa.net>
>> Cc: gnucash-user@gnucash.org
>> Subject: Re: [GNC] Need help locating transaction(s) in advance
>> I had this happen recently.  It was caused by the order of deposits /
>withdrawals in my cash account on the same day.
>> I excluded that account from the report and it worked ok.
>> On Thu, Feb 13, 2025 at 11:47 PM Kalpesh Patel
>> wrote:
>>> I am running Advance Portfolio report and I noticed it display
>>> following error message at the top:
>>> There is an error processing the transaction 'buying XXXX.XXXX share
>>> units'.
>>> This may to be caused by a sell transaction causing a negative stock
>>> balance, and a subsequent buy transaction causing a zero balance.
>>> leads to a division-by-zero error. It can be fixed by preventing
>>> negative stock balances.
>>> I was hoping to track down this (these) transaction(s) which are in
>>> I don't remember doing this for an account but I have not founds how
>>> to locate these specific transactions. Any idea how to go about
>>> finding it? Is the value error referring to one specific
>>> I am hoping to avoid going through each and every investment account
>>> manually which I don't even know how to do that given that the value
>>> given in the error message could possibly be from variable number of
>>> additions and subtractions in an account.
>>> Any help is welcome. Thanks.
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