In all examples I've seen so far with regards to the handling of foreign
currencies the user is physically moving money from one currency to another
(e.g. an online transfer) where an actual exchange occurs. What about the
case where users have to do reports for different countries in their own
respective currency (e.g. Japan in JPY and US in USD). I must report all
income in both Japan and the US (thanks IRS!) so I need a way to convert my
books between USD and JPY.

For example say I have an Expenses:Advertising account with account
currency USD and book currency USD. I can deduct these as business expenses
both on US and Japanese reports, but I must convert them all to JPY to do
so. Is there any way of doing this within GNUcash? Until now I've just been
creating an Income Statement in USD and copying this to a spreadsheet and
converting from there (not ideal).

I see in the Income Statement options, I can change the Report's currency
to JPY, but what is going on in the background here? Are all transactions
converted per date, or just a single rate used on the totals? Based on what
I can see at the bottom of the report, it appears to use the most recent
rate limited by the report ending date (e.g. 12/31/2024), which would not
be a standard way to report this. The two options I was told from a
Japanese accountant to use would be
1. (Yearly Average TTS + Yearly Average TTB) / 2  from a Japanese bank
2. (Preferred) Use exchange rates specific to each transaction.

Thanks in advance for any advice.
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