First, hopefully without "piling on" too much, I'd echo and emphasize
that GnuCash developers do this for nothing except our thanks in return.
Us mail list users' replies are the same deal, altho with far less time
given than the developers, God love 'em!
We who use GnuCash pay nothing, some contribute where we can, and
whatever we DO receive is simply a gift from the dev team.
(So maybe a little friendly "thank you" somewhere along the way?!)
That said, I think we understand some frustration - all software has
frustrations. For me personally FWIW, QuickBooks was a LOT more
frustrating for me - - even before we paid our hundreds, now almost
$1,000 a year for the privilege of being that frustrated. And try to get
help from Intuit ... HA! They're very much more interesting in squeezing
yet MORE of your money out of you than you're already wasting on them,
wasting my time while I'm trying to get my own work done.
Thank you all for sitting thru MY little rant. No, I was not a happy
customer which makes me that much more grateful for the GnuCash world +
people who make it, and kudos + thanks to them, whatever frustrations
Directly to YOUR question about starting balance, in's + out's, and
ending balance:
Have a look at the Transaction Report: Reports menu > Transaction report.
Run it on the checking acct, with the start + end dates you like.
If or when you get it how you like it, SAVE the configuration.
As others have pointed out - Saving report config's does exactly what
you were complaining about- that is, it preserves your selected accts
and start-end dates + etc, and allows you to recall them with a click or 2.
When you recall saved report config's, you can also update or change
those settings, and re-save the new config - - either update (overwrite)
the pre-existing report name, or save under a new report name.
To further tweak a report - things like fonts, titles, totals, columns,
etc): I find it's easiest to export + save the report as an HTML file,
and then open that file in LibreOffice Calc as a spreadsheet, and have
my way with it in Calc.
Hope some of that helps, and God bless you for doing your church's books.
Chris S
On 2025-01-21 03:02, Chris Green wrote: I need to present our
PCC/Church accounts to the PCC (Parochial Church Council) three or
four times a year. Every time I do this I struggle to find a report
which simply shows the bank balance at the start of the period, where
money came in from, where money went out to and the resulting final
balance in the bank account. Am I missing something obvious or is
there really no way of showing this? It's what the layman (i.e.
members of the PCC) want to see. Further to this I also always get
bitten by having to select the 'start of year' and 'end of year'
almost every time I run a report, these dates seem to get reset
frequently. Also, it seems like every time I ask for a report, it
tells me 'no accounts selected' and I have to go through the same old
rigmarole that I have done many, many times before of selecting all
accounts. Surely the default should be to include all accounts and
also surely the setting should be remembered. I know I've been here
before and probably have asked similar questions but I do find it
rather frustrating at times.
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