Hi Gregorio/GnuCash users, 

Some basics: 

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Brad - https://www.facebook.com/brad.morrison.12327/ &

On 2025-01-21 05:49, Gregório Miranda wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm customizing my GTK3 style sheets and have been relatively successful at
> making a dark everforest theme (see CSS in the attachments), but I just
> can't do much with the calendar shown inside the scheduled transactions tab
> <https://github.com/ggio/gnucash_dark_everforest/blob/main/calendar_issue.png>(#gnc-id-dense-calendar).
> I've searched a lot, read the docs and tweaked extensively with GTK
> inspector, but I'm still lost.
> The calendar is still ugly as hell and the options given in the doc's CSS
> sample file aren't helping at all. I got to change the header's background
> and the focused background (but not the focused text).
> Would appreciate it if someone can show me the right track.
> Specially, I would like to customize:
> - The *primary and secondary month background colors *(the
> "#gnc-id-dense-calendar .primary" and "... .secondary" options within the
> CSS sample simply doesn't work);
> - The *background color of empty cells*;
> - The *text at the highlighted/focused dates* (currently whithish in a
> yellow background).
> Gregório 
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 * Author: Gregório Ribeiro de Miranda
 * Date:   2025-01-21
 * Current version hosted at: https://github.com/ggio/gnucash_dark_everforest
 * Gtk3 css file for use with gnucash.

/* ====== COLORS ====== */

/* Elementary colors */

@define-color yellow	    #b58900;
@define-color red	    #e04c56;
@define-color red-light	    #dc747b;
@define-color dark	    #2f383e;
@define-color dark2  	    #374247;
@define-color dark3  	    #22282c;
@define-color bg-new	    #54646c;
@define-color fg-dark       #d3c6aa;
@define-color fg2-dark      #C9B382;
@define-color fg-new	    #cdae6a;
@define-color charcoal	    #2a2a2a;

/* Everforest */
@define-color bg0-dark       #22282c;
@define-color bg1-dark       #272f34;
@define-color bg-dark        #2f383e;
@define-color bg2-dark       #374247;
@define-color bg3-dark       #404c51;
@define-color bg4-dark       #4a555b;
@define-color bg5-dark       #525c62;
@define-color bg_visual      #503946;
@define-color bg_red         #4e3e43;
@define-color bg_green       #404d44;
@define-color bg_blue        #394f5a;
@define-color bg_yellow      #4a4940;
@define-color shadow         #000070;

/* Application wide colors */

@define-color	bg_color	@dark2;
@define-color	bg_highlight	@bg3-dark;
@define-color	bg_dark		@dark;
@define-color	bg_darker	@dark3;
@define-color	fg_color	@fg-dark;
@define-color	fg_highlight	@fg-new;
@define-color	fg_pop		@yellow;
@define-color	negative	@red;

/* Register's colors */

@define-color bg_header     #4c5f3a;
/*@define-color fg_header     #d4ddcd;*/
@define-color bg_primary    #A7C080;
@define-color fg_primary    #1c2921;
@define-color bg_secondary  #fff9b2;
@define-color fg_secondary  #272402;
@define-color bg_cursor     #ffeb81;
@define-color fg_cursor     #3a3000;

/* ====== TODO ====== */
    * (A) Calendar
    * (C) Reports' CSS

/* ====== GENERAL ====== */

/* Application wide font setting */
  color: @fg_color;
  border-color: @fg_color;
  outline-color: @fg_color;
  outline-width: 0px;
  border-width: 0px;

/* Highlight Text */
  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_highlight;

  background-color: @bg_darker;

/* Scollbar size */
scrollbar slider 
    /* Size of the slider */
    min-width: 20px;
    min-height: 20px;
    border-radius: 22px;
    color: @fg_color;
    background-color: @fg_color;
    /* Padding around the slider */
    border: 5px solid transparent;

/* ====== MAIN ====== */

  background-color: @bg_darker;

#gnc-id-main-window notebook header 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

/* Area above the status bar */
  background-color: @bg_darker;

  /* Why doesn't this apply?  color applies just fine... */
  background-color: @bg_highlight;

/* Tweaking with some trees to add some contrast in the budget */
  background-color: @bg_color;

/* Controls, along much other things, the budget summary */
  background-color: @bg_darker;
  color: @fg_color;

  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_highlight;

  color: @fg_pop;

gnc-id-sheet-list treeview 
  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_highlight;

gnc-id-sheet-list treeview:hover 
  border-style: solid;
  border-width: 1px;
  border-color: @fg_highlight;
  background-color: @bg_color;

/* Progress bar */
progressbar progress 
  color: green;

/* Status Bar */
statusbar frame 
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;
  background-color: @bg_darker;

  background-color: @bg_darker;

statusbar label 
  /* font-size: 12px; */
  color: @fg_pop;

/* Summary bar */
  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_pop;

#gnc-id-summarybar .gnc-class-highlight 
  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_pop;

#gnc-id-summarybar label 
  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_pop;

/* Toolbar Button size and spacing */
  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_highlight;

/* Toolbar font size, 0 to remove text */
toolbar toolbutton label 
  /* font-size: 0px; */

toolbar toolbutton button 
  padding-left: 4px;
  padding-right: 4px;

toolbar toolbutton label 
  padding-left: 4px;
  padding-right: 4px;

/* Negative number color */
  color: @negative;

/* Gnucash Main Window, reduce size */
#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab 
  min-height: 25px;
  min-width: 0px;
  padding-top: 4px;
  padding-bottom: 4px;
  margin-top: 3px;
  margin-bottom: 3px;
  border-top: 0px;
  border-bottom: 0px;
  background-color: @bg_dark;

#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab:checked 
  background-color: @bg_highlight;

#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab:checked label 
  color: @fg_pop;

#gnc-id-main-window notebook label 
  /* font: 14px arial, sans-serif; */

#gnc-id-main-window notebook tab button 
  min-height: 0;
  min-width: 0;
  padding: 0px;
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 0px;

tab:checked, tab:checked label 
  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_highlight;

/* ====== MENU ====== */

#gnc-id-main-window menubar 
  color: @fg_color;
  background-color: @bg_color;
  outline-width: 0px;
  border-width: 0px;

menuitem label 
  background-color: inherit;
  color: inherit;

menuitem label accelerator 
  background-color: inherit;
  color: inherit;

  color: mix (@fg_color, @bg_color, 0.5);

  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_highlight

  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_color;
/* ====== REGISTER ====== */


/* Register sheet font setting */
  border-width: 0px;
  outline-width: 0px;
  background-color: @bg_color;

/* Register header font setting */

  color: inherit;

gnc-id-cursor entry 
  background-color: @bg_cursor;
  color: @fg_cursor;
  /* border-color: red;
  border-width: 1px;   */

gnc-id-cursor entry undershoot 
  background-color: @bg_cursor;
  color: @fg_cursor;

gnc-id-cursor widget 
  color: inherit;
  background-color: inherit;
  border-color: inherit;

  background-color: @fg_color;
  color: @bg_color;

/* Register sheet calendar */
gnc-id-sheet calendar 
  border-width: 1px;

/* Register User Colors, remove 'user' for builtin register values */
  color: @fg_color;
  background-color: @bg_header;

  color: @fg_primary;
  background-color: @bg_primary;

  color: mix (black, @bg_color, 0.5);
  background-color: @bg_primary;

  color: @fg_secondary;
  background-color: @bg_secondary;

  color: mix (black, @bg_color, 0.5);
  background-color: @bg_secondary;

  color: @fg_secondary;
  background-color: @bg_secondary;

  color: mix (@fg_color, @bg_color, 0.5);

  background-color: @bg_cursor;
  color: @fg_cursor;

/* ====== BUTTONS ====== */

  /* Clear button image imposed by GTK theme */
  background-image: none;
  border-width: 3px;
  border-style: solid;
  border-color: mix (@bg_darker, @bg_dark, 0.5);
  background-color: @bg_dark;

  border-color: @bg_darker;
  background-color: @bg_highlight;

button:hover label 
  background-color: inherit;
  color: @fg_pop;

  border-color: mix (@bg_darker, @fg_highlight, 0.5);

button:focus label 
  color: @fg_highlight;

  background-color: @bg_highlight;

.text-button label 
  background-color: inherit;

/* Other buttons */

  background-image: none;
  color: @fg_pop;
  background-color: mix (@bg_darker, @bg_color, 0.5);

  background-color: @bg_darker;

  background-color: @bg_darker;

  background-image: none;
  color: @fg_pop;
  background-color: mix (@bg_darker, @bg_color, 0.5);

gnc-id-cursor button 
  color: inherit;
  background-color: inherit;
  border-color: inherit;
  border-width: 1px;

/* ====== DIALOGS ====== */

  background-color: @bg_color;

assistant notebook 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

  background-color: @bg_color;

dialog stack 
  background-color: @bg_color;

  background-color: @bg_color;

messagedialog box 

  background-color: @bg_dark;

  background-color: @bg_darker;

/* Frame around text in the tip of the day dialog */
  background-color: @bg_darker;

window, stack 
  background-color: @bg_color;

window header 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

/* Specific windows */

dialog #gnc-id-account-tree 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

#gnc-id-account notebook header 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

  background-color: @bg_color;

#gnc-id-preferences stack 
  background-color: @bg_darker;

#gnc-id-preferences tabs 
  background-color: @bg_color;

/* ====== CALENDAR ====== */

/* Dense Calendar Settings, use widget name gnc-id-dense-calendar
 * or gtk css name calendar which would also apply to other calendar
 * widgets */

/*.calendar {*/
/*    background-color: @bg_color;*/
/*    color: @fg_color;*/

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .frame 

calendar .frame 

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .header 

calendar .header 
  color: @fg_color;
  background-color: @bg_color;
  border-radius:    2px ;
  border-width:     1px ;

calendar .highlight
  background-color: @bg_dark ;
  color:            @fg_color ;
  border-radius:    1px ;
  padding:          1px ;

  background-color: @bg_highlight ;

  background-color: @bg_highlight ;
  border-style:     solid ;
  border-width:     1px ;
  color:	    @fg_pop;

  background-color: @fg_pop ;
  color:            @bg_darker ;
  border-radius:    2px ;

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .primary 

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .secondary 

#gnc-id-dense-calendar .markers 
  color: @negative;

  color: @fg_color;

#gnc-id-dense-calendar-popup treeview 
  color: @fg_color;

/* ====== RECONCILE WINDOW ====== */

#gnc-id-reconcile-totals * 

.gnc-class-credits treeview 

.gnc-class-credits treeview:selected 
  background-color: @bg_color;
  color: @fg_color;

.gnc-class-debits treeview 

.gnc-class-debits treeview:selected 
  background-color: @bg_highlight;
  color: @fg_highlight;
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